The End of Explodiblog
So, I was removing the broken link to The Worst Hour in Radio History from my sidebar (which is now a bottombar), and accidentally fucked up my template and didn't have a backup. Rather than going to the trouble of figuring out what is wrong and fixing it, I think I'm going to get my own domain and host it myself, much like A Parallax View. So now, I have to think of:
- A good name for my blog (since "Explodiblog" is kinda lame, and I'm getting sick of it).
- I think I might change my handle, too.
- A corresponding domain name - my full name and full name with middle initial are both taken, and I like to stay obscure on the internet anyways.
- This is why I don't have a myspace account.
- I stopped using orkut because I don't speak Portugese. That was my only social networking endevor.
- Yeah, I know they segregated the groups by language. Too little, too late; no one wanted to leave the groups they were already in. They should have put the language variable on the threads, and kept the groups multilingual. That way I could elect to see only English and Spanish threads in a worldwide group.
- This bullet is further right than Internet Reality! *ba-dum-CRASH!*
- A good, flexable software to run it on. Something open source I can plop on an Apache webserver would be ideal.
I can't help you pick a handle; thatis an intrinsically personal choice. However, I can talk about other stuff.
Specifically, do you know what happened to Worst Hour? From my perspective, it just vanished one day.
Also, on blogging software: I'm pretty sure the current champion is Wordpress. Of course, being me, I'm probably going to write my own as soon as I get back into working on my own website; I'd be glad to have help and or a second user just to point out areas of improvement. Let me know if that interests you.
I just registered and installed Apache - now I just need to connect the dots and then make the actual site.
Rowe decided to ditch the Worst Hour in Radio History, due to "too much personal info". I can understand - Dan't old blog got him fired because he had the wrong information in it.
I think I might make another wiki. Codex was a dismal failure, mostly because it was too slow and user-unfriendly. This one, instead of being code-oriented, might just be a good place to post random crap, and let anyone write anything on it.
How does one pronounce that, and whats with the .us?
"Scelestus" is latin for "wicked", and I have no idea how one pronounces it.
hey justin, this is elf. i can host you for a while if youre having domaining issues. i also suggest scwiki, if youre looking for wikis... i dont know much about blogs though.
I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather host it myself. No hurry, anyways.
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